free docker registry as of March 2023

Docker hub change their policy for docker registry

As of 2023, Docker Hub still offers a free plan, but with more limitations compared to the paid plans. The free plan includes one private repository and 500 MB of storage, with a limit of 200 pull requests per day.

If you need more storage and features, you can consider using alternative Docker registries that offer free plans, such as:

  1. GitHub Container Registry: This is a Docker registry that’s integrated with GitHub and allows you to store and manage Docker images in your GitHub repositories. It offers unlimited free storage and bandwidth, but has a limit of 500 MB per package size.
  2. Harbor: This is an open-source Docker registry that allows you to store and manage Docker images on your own infrastructure. It offers unlimited free storage and bandwidth, but requires you to set up and maintain your own registry server.
  3. Google Container Registry: This is a Docker registry that’s integrated with Google Cloud Platform and allows you to store and manage Docker images in your Google Cloud Storage buckets. It offers 5 GB of free storage per month and a limit of 1 GB per image size.
  4. This is a Docker registry that’s owned by Red Hat and allows you to store and manage Docker images in a private or public repository. It offers unlimited free storage and bandwidth for public repositories, and a limit of 500 MB per private repository.

Note that the free plans for these Docker registries may have some limitations or restrictions, so be sure to check their documentation and terms of service before using them.

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